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Our vision


CBNJ Potter's House

An Oasis Of Love In The Middle Of A Cold Society

Pastors David and Patricia Silva


It is our vision to expand our church so that it continues to be a church with greater influence and impact in our community and the world.


Our church is a church that will continue to grow in representing our Lord Jesus Christ as He is worthy to be represented, presenting the good news of salvation, in season and out of season, to everyone who is not saved, so that they may receive liberation from all oppression. ensuring his eternal life and a better life on earth.

We are a body of believers that will continue to seek to alleviate the suffering and needs of all those who are spiritually, emotionally, physically or family oppressed, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the gifts that He has given us and the resources that He entrusts to us. .

We will continue to provide for the development of believers in all areas of their lives through: The Biblical Training Seminar, meetings, conferences, and advising so that each believer can prosper and at the same time perform in the service of God, through to serve others in the Houses of Hope and in ministries inside and outside the Church.

A body of believers who have an intense passion for God to the point that every area of their life worships our Lord Jesus.

We will strengthen our commitment to the generations that come after us, our children and our youth, intensifying our work with them by preparing them to be a powerful generation in the midst of a world full of challenges, needs and evil.

We will continue to develop our local mission by going to communities in New Jersey where the Lord sends us to open campuses (headquarters) assigning a pastor in each one and staying unified in vision and work using technology.

We will continue to expand our missionary program by opening new works in other nations, and giving coverage to others already established, thus extending the scope of the mission that the Lord has entrusted to us.

"And the People Will Run Because of the Vision"

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